VEX Assignments:

All assignments require the starter kit, rechargeable batteries (the power kit), and the programming kit. Additional materials needed for each assignment are listed.

Vex Testbed Assignment

00 testbed.doc

Students put together a testbed to experiment with servos and motors. They also learn how to download code and use the online window to test individual motors.

Additional Materials: none

Vex Drivetrain Assignment

01 drivetrain.doc

Students build and program robots to drive around the classroom. They pick between skid steering, swerve/crab drive, or omni drive and then design an implementation of that type of drive train.

Additional Materials: 1 motor, 4 swerve drive kits, 4 omni wheels

Vex Gears Assignment

02 gears.doc

Students build robots to push around stacks of tuna cans. Extra points are awarded to students who can push extra tuna cans, implement two speed transmissions, or make the program autonomous.

Additional Materials: 30 tuna cans, gear kit

Vex Grippers Assignment

03 grippers.doc

Students build and program robots to grab and drag soda cans. Gripper designs that are harder to build are worth more points as is any robot that autonomously finds and collects a soda can.

Additional Materials: 1 soda can, 1 ultrasonic sensor

Vex Arms Assignment

04 arms.doc

Students build and program robotic arms capable of lifting soda cans. Multi-stage arms receive more points as do robots that use limit switches to protect the motors, servos, and gears.

Additional Materials: 1 soda can

05 lifts.doc

Students build and program lifts capable of lifting soda cans. Multi-stage lifts are worth more as are robots that can move to set heights with a button press.

Additional Materials: 2 linear slides (2 per pack), 1 optical encoder, 1 potentiometer, 1 soda can

Vex Ball Collector Assignment

06 ball collector.doc

Students build and program robots to collect ping pong balls from the floor. More efficient ball collectors are worth more points.

Additional Materials: 6 ping pong balls

Vex Pneumatic Forklift Assignment

07 pneumatic forklift.doc

Students build and program pneumatic fork lifts to lift tuna cans. They learn about pneumatic circuits as they build robots capable of moving tuna cans. Autonomous programs earn extra points.

Additional Materials: 1 Pneumatic Kit 1 (Single Acting Cylinders), 2 tuna cans

Vex Ping Pong Basketball Assignment

08 ping pong basketball.doc

Students build a robot to collect and deposit ping pong balls in a dishpan. This assignment encourages students to be creative while providing opportunity to incorporate many previously mastered concepts.

Additional Materials: 6 ping pong balls, 1 dishpan