Electricity Unit, Energy Unit, Force Unit, Math Tools Unit, Momentum Unit, Motion Unit, Pressure Unit, Vectors Unit, Waves Unit
Purpose: This site is designed to give other beginning teachers a starting point. My first year teaching I did not have books or a curriculum. I was forced to invent an applied physics course mostly from scratch. Now that I have books and a curriculum, I still look back and wish that I had another teacher's materials to start from. The materials available on this site are what I have developed so far. They are a work in progress. Please email me suggestions and corrections. I would also be happy to post materials from other teachers.
Organization: This website is split up by units. Each unit is organized by assessments, assignments, labs/projects, lesson plans, powerpoint presentations, and unit plans.
About the Author: My name is Joshua Gabrielse. I teach Physics and Robotics at Dunbar High School in Baltimore City. I taught Principles of Technology at Southwestern High School for one year before I was transferred to Dunbar. I graduated from Calvin College with a Bachelor of Science degree in physics and a minor in mathematics. Since then I have received a Masters of Arts in teaching from Johns Hopkins. This is my fourth year teaching.
This website contains: high school physics materials, baltimore city physics lessons, physics powerpoints, physics worksheet, physics labs, electricity powerpoints, electricity worksheets, electricity labs, electricity lesson plans, energy powerpoints, energy worksheets, energy labs, energy lesson plans, force powerpoints, force worksheets, force labs, force lesson plans, math powerpoints, math worksheets, math labs, math lesson plans, momentum powerpoints, momentum worksheets, momentum labs, momentum lesson plans, motion powerpoints, motion worksheets, motion labs, motion lesson plans, pressure powerpoints, pressure worksheets, pressure labs, pressure lesson plans, vectors powerpoints, vectors worksheets, vectors labs, vectors lesson plans, waves powerpoints, waves worksheets, waves labs, waves lesson plans